- CLANUS is a federation of affiliated Students’ Unions in Cumbria and Lancashire.
- CLANUS stands for Cumbria and Lancashire Area National Union of Students
- Policy is made at twice termly Council meetings to which all unions can send 4 delegates. This body elects officers and decides what work they will do. CLANUS is YOUR area.
- CLANUS works at a local level with Students’ Unions helping them with and specific problems/issues and bringing national NUS initiatives down to a local level and into colleges.
- CLANUS has representatives on several NUS committees and meets regularly with others area organisations from all over the country.
- Areas help to supplement the work of NUS and bring students together on the ground. We are stronger if we work with others - that is the philosophy behind areas. Thus, strong area’s are the backbone of a strong NUS.
...What can CLANUS do for me? |
- CLANUS provides its members with essential support, information, and advice on all issues Students’ Unions come across daily.
- CLANUS can organise training or come into your college to work with you on a specific problem.
- CLANUS provides campaigning materials and brings colleges together in campaigning work. Especially around student funding issues.
- CLANUS allows all officers, unions and students to have resources and ideas for the benefit of them all.
- CLANUS works to set up area networks, for example for women, lesbian, gay and bisexual students, welfare officers, etc, to bring together students with similar interests and concerns.
- CLANUS helps Students’ Unions with development work, and issues around autonomy and funding.
- CLANUS enables you to have a say in how all the above is organised and what work the officers do. In addition we help you get more out of your involvement with NUS and maximise your say in how it is run.
What can I do for CLANUS?... |
- You can come to Council meetings and contribute your ideas and thoughts. Maybe even stand for the executive.
- You can make use of the facilities and materials CLANUS can provide and get involved in the campaigns and initiatives we organise.
- Contact a nearby college Students’ Union and work together with them and encourage their involvement in NUS and the Area.
- You can keep in regular contact with the CLANUS office - let us know what’s going on.
- You can write articles about work you are doing for the CLANUS newsletter so other Students’ Unions in the area can share ideas.
Cumbria and Lancashire Area NUS |
For more information contact:
Stephen Mullen the Area Convenor via e-mail at clanus@yahoo.com